The AMC Anti-Viral Immune Booster Kit contains 6 products especially formulated to elevate the immune system.
All products are manufactured with optimal dosage and purest quality ingredients, even down to the capsules, which are vegecaps.
Viral Care has anti-viral properties and also has high doses of zinc and selenium, both carrying protective factors necessary for reducing the duration of symptoms of colds, flu's and other viruses. They also boost the body's immunity.
Viral Protect is substituted for Viral Care in those who have auto-immune conditions. It has high anti-viral properties and includes zinc and selenium. A great body booster.
BB Care contains all the B's necessary for help prevent infections, promote cell health and growth of red blood cells, providing general body protection as well as assisting with the nervous system and encouraging a healthy metabolism. B's are necessary to stabilize blood pressure and invoke homeostasis and assists with general energy levels.
Hypoxis has been used for centuries by the African people as an anti-viral and anti-oxidant and keeps the heart healthy. Hypoxis is used for respiratory disorders and assists with chronic fatigue. It is also a natural immune system builder. High sterols found in Hypoxis may possess potent anti-inflammatory properties.
While Vit D3 is usually used for skeletal support, in this case it is used to prevent respiratory infections and as an anti-viral and anti-microbial. The dosage of Vitamin D3 in this kit provides effective cover for one week per single capsule. Recent studies show that people with high doses of Vit D3 have a decreased risk for adverse outcomes/death. Vitamin D3 is known to boost immunity as well as to improve heart function and the nervous system. It also supports lung function and increases mood.
Quercetin is used to fight free radicals which are known to damage respiratory viral infections. Additionally, Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant as well as a natural analgesic (pain killer). A cell has a lock and the virus has the key in order to enter and infect the cell. Quercetin puts the glue in the lock.
Magic C, as its name suggests, is as close to a full form of Vitamin C as you can get and is not just ascorbic acid. Magic C is an anti-oxidant and will therefore remove the free radicals which viruses and other illnesses produce in the body.
Ideally, this kit, which is a one-month treatment, should be used for 12 weeks.
For those with auto-immune conditions, choose the Anti-Viral Immune Booster Kit for Auto-Immune Compromised.
All supplements in this kit have been evaluated and approved for use in humans by ANMA (African Natural Medicine Association). They are, however, not intended to diagnose nor treat any illness or disease. Consult a registered doctor or healthcare practitioner before use.